Friday, July 11, 2008

Just a little more than 5 months

Yes, I know it's still early, but I've seen several commercials on TV lately for Christmas in July sales and that got me to thinking about what I want to do for the kids for Christmas this year. And if I get a head start on it and buy a couple things every week, we could actually have a decent Christmas for a change!

I know that at the top of my daughters list this year is a new computer and I'm actually leaning more towards a laptop for her. My son, however, is going to be a little more difficult to shop for. He's VERY picky about the clothes he wears, so unless I take him with me to pick them out, he won't wear them usually. However, I do know that he's been eying a PS3, and I think he'd really like one! He's been playing his variety of Game Boy's for so long now and they're really getting a bit outdated, especially for a kid his age...LOL!

Maybe I'll start picking things up next week, if I do, I have a nice closet I can store them in and the kids would never expect me to be Christmas shopping this early in the year!!

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