Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas still four weeks away, but let's talk about New Years for a few minutes. And no, I'm not talking all the partying and drinking, or even staying up to welcome the New Year. What I'm talking about is making your New Years resolution.
First lets talk a little about the history of New Years. Did you know that New Years is the oldest holiday and was originally celebrated about 4000 years ago in ancient Babylon? And that the original celebration in Babylon actually lasted eleven days! Also, the tradition of making New Years resolutions is also tied to the early Babylonians, and that back when they started the most common resolution made was to return borrowed farm equipment...LOL!
But as most of us know, the more commonly made resolutions in this day and age revolve around things like quitting smoking and losing weight, which is what I want to talk about briefly. There is a fairly new weight loss aid on the market called alli, which really comes across as an excellent option for people who are trying to lose weight. There are many good reviews of it and many places to get additional information about it. So if losing weight is your New Years resolution, it just might be an option you'll want to look in to!
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