Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know I'm a few days early, but you all know very well that I'm not the best person when it comes to doing things on time...LOL! So I figured while I was here adn thinking about it that I'd better take the time now, before I forgot!

I would like to thank all of you who read here for being a part of my life in 2007. It's definitely been a year of ups and downs which have included my husband losing a long term job in early spring and me losing a long term job this week. But things are definitely on an uphill slope right now, so 2008 is going to start out on a very good note.

So lets say goodbye to 2007 and welcome 2008! May it be a year filled with just enough to keep us going and working to strive for more! May it be a year where we all take the time to put someone else before ourselves, even if we think we need to come first. The last couple of weeks of 2007 have been the most rewarding weeks I have had in a very long time and I have learned that even when I think I have it bad, there are always others who are even less fortunate than I am!

So I raise my glass and toast those who have helped me become a better person this year! Thank you for touching my life and leaving part of what makes you so special behind. I promise you that I will not be greedy with what you have left me, in turn, I will pass it on to those I see who need to have it shared with them!

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