Sunday, November 13, 2005

A monumental weekend!!

It's funny how you sort of take certain things for granted in life. For instance, the ability to talk freely with your spouse, or the ability to walk around the house in your pj's WITHOUT a bra on...LOL. But the biggest thing that I have taken for granted for MANY years was the ability to walk to my washer and toss in a load of dirty clothes. For the past 15 years, I have always lived where I either had my own washer and dryer, or in a place where there were laundry facilities in the building. When we moved out here 4 months ago, we ended up with neither. So for the past 4 months, Saturday was laundry day. It was easier just to load it all up at once and make the trek into town and get it all done, than make several trips during the week to do small amounts at a time. The only "bad" thing about this is that we learned what our "laundry budget" was and exactly how much laundry we could do that week, so there always seemed to be something "left over" that simply wouldn't fit into the budget that week. After 4 months, I have a TON of stuff that wouldn't fit into the laundry budget...LOL.

Anyway, I am THRILLED to say that I have a working washer and dryer in my home now! The first load is going in the dryer, and the 2nd load is currently on hold because when our houseguest moved out, it appears he took our fabric softener with him *GRRRR*. He claims it was by accident, and I'm just tired of the aggravation, so we're simply replacing it.

So, lets see, in a matter of 48 hours I have gotten high speed internet, our house guest has moved out, I had an evening alone with my husband AND I now have a washer and dryer in my house again! I have to say that this has probably been the best few days I've had in a long time! I know most of these things I just talked about are truly not necessities in life, but it's those little perks that just kind of give you the motivation to go on in every day life. I'm a VERY simple person. I'd much rather spend a night at home then go out. If given the option of going out to dinner or making a nice dinner, I'll always choose the latter, simply because most restaurants are just over priced! I'm not a person to go on shopping sprees and I never ask for much either. I've always been one that makes do with what I have. So the lesson that I have learned this weekend is to not take these little "perks" for granted again!

I hope you all are having a WONDERFUL weekend!! When you get the time, I now have a guest map, please check it out and enter your info if you'd like to!!

1 comment:

Running2Ks said...

I am so glad you get to enjoy the finer things in life. W/D is the best, isn't it? I'm pretty simple too, but not having to hunt for quarters made me ever-so-happy.